A common occurrence, once you find your Filipina bride and settle down to live out your days together, is the arrival of the first of what could be several offspring. The "forinjer baby" (colloquial pronunciation of "foreigner") is a highly prized token of one's social standing. Those that come out closer in looks to the father and are fair skinned, fair haired and have eyes any shade other than brown are Grade 1 Forinjer Babies. Those, like mine, who come out not as dark as most Filipino babies but still not sparkling white, and have black hair and brown eyes, are Grade 2 Rich Filipino Style babies. If the baby looks like what you would logically classify as a Grade 3 Forinjer Baby then I would suggest you're not the biological father.

At gatherings of Filipinos, even your Grade 2 will be the center of attention and probably suffer shop soiling with so much handling. If the gathering is of expats with their Filipina wives, then the claws come out! I have had women openly comment on how they are surprised my baby is mine, seeing as how dark it is compared to theirs. The fact the mother is two shades lighter than my wife's beautiful ebony skin and the father is some pale, almost albino creep while I am olive skinned; is irrelevant.

Filipino's adore white skin and foreigner features so much they can be extremely cruel to any who are dark or have less than an aquiline nose. Really cruel. They spend so much time and money on skin whitening creams it is almost a crime the government doesn't jump in and tell them they are wasting their time, money and top three layers of skin for what can only ever be a temporary lightening of skin tone. The most popular brand at the moment features the rich, pale, mestizo Filipina stereotype you only meet if you are in the Diplomatic Corps or have mega bucks. The brand of choice? Placenta! I kid you not!

No Filipino male considers himself truly a man unless he has a few examples of his handiwork running around somewhere. No Filipina feels complete unless she too has bred several times. Remember, if you have had a vasectomy, be honest about it as I know many women who only found out after they married and they are not happy campers.

If you are doing the math and figure you might not be around to attend baby's graduation from high school let alone college, you are not alone. Many men who find love a second (or third or fourth) time with their penpal Pinay feel rejuvenated and ready to go for it all over again. But many also do not.

They feel one family, now grown and gone, is enough of a contribution to the gene pool from their DNA strand and this is where the conflict can turn nasty. Most Filipinas are in their twenties and have all of their lives ahead of them. Lives that have, since their own childhood, included raising a family.

So if you are looking for a penpal online, be honest with yourself and with her when it comes to discussing the future. After the euphoria of finding someone who cares about you dies down, the proof of that love will still have to be fed, housed, clothed, educated and most of all, loved.

Perry Gamsby is a free lance writer and web content publisher based in Australia. He holds a Master of Arts in Writing as well as tertiary qualifications in teaching and small business management. He is currently writing for Best Baby Bottles and bases his cyber self at his writing shop, eWriters Shop Online Content

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Perry_Gamsby


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